Tuesday, January 31, 2017


The students love sharing their work on Seesaw! Here are some pictures of us in action.

Word Work-silent letters-K, B, L, T

This week we are practicing spelling words with silent letters such as salmon and doubt. These silent letters can be tricky. Next week we begin our work with latin and greek root words! This is a great way to build vocabulary and learn spelling patterns at the same time. You will see some of this come home for homework next week!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Math-Week of Jan. 30th

Our Geometry unit is in full swing! This week we will continue building our Geometry City. The creation of this Geometry City is an example of Project Based Learning. The students have already drawn a map of their city. They connected sections of centimeter grid paper together to make the sections of their city. Connecting the sections was especially tricky because they needed to connect at a certain spot so the roads would connect. Now we are making 3-D buildings for our city and we will measure the perimeter and area of all the building's footprints. On Thursday and Friday, we will be working on a 2-day math performance task. Performance tasks are real world math problems. We will compare and discuss our different solutions to our task Building a Rabbit Pen.

Reader's Workshop week of Jan. 30

Close Reading is a strategy we will be practicing this week in Reader's Workshop. Close Reading means rereading. It helps us dig deeper and helps our understanding of the text. We don't always need to read everything 3 times but it helps our comprehension when the text is more difficult.  Close Reading is also a good strategy to use in test taking! The questions below are also helpful to use when discussing what your child is reading.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Winter Gear & Writer's Workshop

Thank you for continuing to send your child in with snow boots, snowpants, hats, and mittens. A change of shoes is also necessary on these snowy days. Feel free to have your child leave an extra pair in their locker. It makes it easier than carrying them back and forth everyday! Its also helpful to have everything labeled with their name.

This week we will also begin our unit on Opinion Writing. Which are better: Mittens or gloves? We will compare some facts and write about this.

Math-Week of January 9

We will take our test on Unit 3 and begin Unit 4-Measurement and Geometry
In Unit 4, students will learn to…
-Measure to the nearest half inch and centimeter
-Generate measurement data and represent the data on a line plot. Here is an example.

 -Measure distances around objects to the nearest ½ inch, compare masses, and determine distances in half-inch increments
-Review characteristics of polygons

Homework 2017

Homework will be changing quite a bit for the rest of the year. Each day, homework will consist of a written assignment that must be turned in the very next day. Students will still need to read for 20 minutes each night. As we prepare for 4th grade, it is extremely important that students bring their planner and folder with homework safely tucked inside EVERY DAY! Our new homework routine will help us get ready for 4th grade.

Seesaw-Something new!

This Friday, January 13th, each student will be uploading their Unit 3 Math test to Seesaw! They will also explain how successful they were on the test and explain their thinking.