Saturday, October 8, 2016

Week of October 10th

This will start Monday, October 10th!
Monday-Music & PE
Wednesday-Music & Art

Recess and Lunch are now from 12:20 pm-1:10 pm starting this week!

Reader’s Workshop-This week our guiding question will be “How do readers use comprehension strategies?” The students will learn how to use strategies before, during, and after reading. Learning these strategies will help then when they encounter new information in their reading. It will increase their understanding of fiction.
Some questions you can ask your child when they are reading at home:
-What might happen next?
-Are there any words that confuse you?
-What do you like or don’t like about this story?
-Are there things in this book that remind you of something in your life?
-Is there a character who may remind you of another character?
-What do you wonder about this story?

Writer’s Workshop-This week we will be learning how to write an entertaining story beginning and a complete story ending.
To write an entertaining beginning, authors use a sound, dialogue, or a question to hook the reader. Good authors use a reflection or lesson to end their stories. We will use the narrative stories we have already written and try to change our beginnings and endings to make our stories more interesting to the reader! Keep an eye out on Seesaw for these stories.

Math-We are finishing up our first unit this week! I hope the Pumpkin Activity I sent home last week is helping the kids practice their 2’s and 5’s facts. The students have been doing a great job explaining their math on Seesaw. I ask them to write a few sentences about what their math task was and they are using great math vocabulary to explain this!
The specific skills we will learn this week in math are:
-learn about division as they solve division number stories.
-develop strategies for 2s, 5s, and 10s facts.
-compare masses and divide wholes and sets into equal shares.
-estimate and measure masses of objects.
Our unit test will be the following week.

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